Ashoka was the third ruler of the Maurya Dynasty and ruled almost the entire Indian subcontinent from c. 268 to 232 BCE. He also sent dignitaries all over his empire to propagate his ideals of Dhamma based on Buddhist philosophy. Made of sandstone, it records the visit of the emperor to Sarnath in the 3rd century BC. Therefore contact (between religions) is good. Some of these are listed as follows: After ruling over the Indian subcontinent for a period of approximately 40 years, the Great Emperor Asoka left for the holy abode in 232 BC. You can see one of the most important historical signs of India here, that is the Ashoka pillar. Ashoka was born to Mauryan King Bindusara and his queen Devi Dharma in 304 B.C. He built thousands of stupas and viharas for Buddhist followers (about 84,000 such monuments were built). Although the Maurya Empire that he inherited was quite sizable, he expanded the borders exponentially. This document is highly … Dharma (alternatively known as Subhadrangi or Janapadkalyani) was the daughter of a Brahmin priest from the kindom of Champa, and was assigned relatively low position in the royal household owing to politics therein. To lead a simple life for the subjects to emulate, 10. Ever since I watched the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, I was intrigued by the secret … An impeccable warrior general and a shrewd statesman, Ashoka was very popular. The prince was injured in the ensuing battle and was treated by Buddhist monks and nuns. Ashoka’s father Bindusara, impressed with his skill and knowledge, appointed him as the Governer of Avanti. Throughout his life, 'Asoka the Great' followed the policy of non-violence or ahimsa. Early life of Asoka as a brutal Emperor Ashoka the Great Ashoka (304–232 BC), popularly known as Ashoka the Great, was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the Indian subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC.Ashoka played a critical role in helping make Buddhism a world religion. The 14 edicts were written so that people might act in accordance with them. He was the only military man who gave up warfare., Aparantaka (Gujarat and Sindh) - Yona Dhammarakkhita, Maharattha (Maharashtra) - Mahadhammarakkhita, "Country of the Yona" (Bactria/ Seleucid Empire) - Maharakkhita, Suvannabhumi (Thailand/ Myanmar) - Sona and Uttara. He also expressed his indebtedness to his subjects for bestowing with their love and respect, and that he considered it his duty to serve for their greater good.Â. The grandson of the founder of Mauryan Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya, he had several half-brothers from his father’s other wives. The stupas of Sanchi are world famous and the stupa named Sanchi Stupa I was built by Emperor Ashoka. In the following year, Bindusura became seriously ill and was literally on his deathbed. Article shared by. Ashoka is commonly eulogized in Indian history textbooks as a great emperor and a pacifist. This is where he first learnt the teachings of Buddha. At this point, he was called ‘Chakravarti’ which means ‘he for whom the wheel of law turns’. Ashoka ruled for an estimated 40 years, (273BC – 232BC) and after his death, the Maurya dynasty lasted just 50 more years. The emperor was at the helm of the administration following the established model put forward by Mauryan Kings before Ashoka. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Emperor Ashoka, undoubtedly, has to be credited with the first serious attempt to develop a Buddhist policy. Ashoka made Buddhism the state religion around 260 B.C. The Edicts of Ashoka are the primary sources describing the life and times of Emperor Ashoka [1, 2]. Its nucleus was a hemispherical brick structure built over the relics of the Buddha, with a raised terrace encompassing its base, and a railing and stone umbrella on the summit, the chatra, a parasol-like structure symbolizing high rank. Emperor surmised that glory and fame count for nothing if people do not respect the dharma. Ashoka the Emperor who gave up War - Chapter Wise CBSE Solved Question and Answer Based On NCERT. He was closely assisted in his administrative duties by his younger brother, Vithashoka and a group of trusted ministers, whom Ashoka consulted before adopting any new administrative policy. 10 / Few Line Essay on Emperor Ashoka For Class 1, 2, 3 & 4 Ashoka was India's great emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty. Asoka quickly grew into an excellent warrior. 6. He avoided any further conquests of territories and announced that conquests should be of human desires. His story tells us that religion can act as a powerful force for the redemption of a human being. A group of ministers, led by Radhagupta, called upon Ashoka to assume the crown. He Emperor ordered installation of these pillars (Joshi 60). Asoka quickly grew into an excellent warrior general and an astute statesman. Copyright ©   All Rights Reserved. Ashoka was the third ruler of the illustrious Maurya dynasty and was one of the most powerful kings of the Indian subcontinent in ancient times. The administration of Ashoka after his spiritual transformation was focused solely on the well-being of his subjects. The "Great Stupa" at Sanchi is the oldest structure and was originally commissioned by the emperor Ashoka the Great of the Maurya Empire in the 3rd century BCE. But defying all odds, young Ashoka excelled in military and academic disciplines. As the tale goes, Kalinga gave official refuge to Ashoka’s enemy (probably one of his brothers). Soon, the province of Ujjain started witnessing a violent uprising. Emperor Ashoka was a cruel and merciless ruler at first. Let's have a look at his life history, empire, rule, administration and Dhamma. Patliputra (modern Patna) was … The National Emblem has four lions (one hidden from view) and symbolizes power, courage, and confidence. Sample Letter of Acceptance | Format, Samples, Example and How To Write? The Akshapataladhyaksha was in charge of currency and accounts of the entire administration. He appointed several Pativedakas or reporters, who would report to him the general and public affairs, leading the king to take necessary steps. Sushima was nominated successor by the king but his autocratic nature made him unfavourable among the ministers. He was constantly haunted by his deeds in Kalinga. Fact or fiction? As a Buddhist emperor, Ashoka believed that Buddhism is beneficial for all human beings, as well as animals and plants, so he built a number of stupas, Sangharama, viharas, chaitya, and residences for Buddhist monks all over South Asia and Central Asia. But as news of Ashoka’s visit with his army trickled in, he was welcomed by the revolting militias and the uprising ended without a fight. 13 Sample Feedback Letters | Format, Examples and How To Write Feedback Letters? As the Buddhist lore goes, in a fit of rage, Ashoka attacked Patliputra and killed all his brothers and threw their bodies into a well. Ashoka was the first ruler in noted history to advocate conservation measures for wildlife. Buddhist literature document Ashoka as a cruel and ruthless monarch who underwent a change of heart after experiencing a particularly gruesome war, the Battle of Kalinga. After his death, his empire lasted just fifty more years. The first known inscription of Emperor Ashoka was the Kandahar Bilingual Rock Inscription, which was written in Aramaic and Greek, and was written in around the 10th reignal year of Emperor Ashoka [10-12]. Science fiction novelist HG Wells rightly says, “Amidst the tens of thousands of names of monarchs that crowd the Ashoka was treated in hiding by Buddhist monks and nuns. He welcomed all religions as they desire self-control and purity of heart. When they defied this dictat, Ashoka sent one of his generals to make Kalinga submit to his supremacy. Write a Short Essay on Emperor Ashoka. Ashoka personally led the conquest and secured victory. Below we have given a short essay on Ashoka is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Asoka’s reign saw introduction of a large number of benevolent policies as compared to his predecessors. Much of these conquests were made during the reign of Chandragupta Maurya, the first ruler of the empire - Ashoka’s grandfa… Sample Cancellation Letters | Format, Examples and How To Write? The Battle of Kalinga and Submission to Buddhism, Ashoka launched an assault to conquer Kalinga during 265 B.C. To a great extent, Ashoka the Great made justified contributions to the art as well as architecture. He entertains everyone with his comedy and stunts. He propagated the Vighajjavada School of Buddhism and preached it within his domain and worldwide from about 250 BC. Here he met and married Devi, the daughter of a tradesman from Vidisha. Sample Letter of Endorsement | Format, Examples and How To Write? Ashoka, the famous Mauryan emperor, ruled a major part of the Indian sub-continent in the third century before the Common Era. The caste system ceased to exist in his eyes and he treated all his subjects as equals. He was the grandson of another great king and the founder of the Mauryan dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya. He vowed never to practice violence again and devoted himself completely to Buddhism. This long essay about Ashoka is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. Joker plays an important role in the circus show. Emperor Ashoka, undoubtedly, has to be credited with the first serious attempt to develop a Buddhist policy. The unnecessary slaughter of animals was immediately abolished. and the battle of Kalinga became a turning point in his life. He adopted a paternalistic view on administration and proclaimed "All men are my Children", as evident from the Kalinga edict. The second essay is a short essay on Ashoka of 150-200 words. A current television serial is adding to the legend. Buddhist Emperor Asoka built thousands of Stupas and Viharas for Buddhist followers. Medical care for human as well as animals throughout his Empire. Ashoka also said that his courtiers always governed the people in a moral manner. One of his stupas, the Great Sanchi Stupa, has been declared as a World Heritage Site by UNECSO. The only kingdom outside his grasp was Kalinga which is the modern day Orissa. He waged war on his perceived enemies on a whim, and caused much suffering amongst his own people. The Avadana texts mention that his mother was queen Subhadrangi. His coronation took place four years after his ascent to throne. Ashoka and Devi had two children, son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra.Â. To that effect, Ashoka had wells dug, irrigation canals and roads constructed. He was named ‘Chanda’ Ashoka meaning Ashoka the Terrible, due to his disposition at that time. After the war, he embraced Buddhism and dedicated his life towards dissemination of the tenets of the religion. A few hypotheses state that Ashoka used the pillars to communicate his Buddhist messages. Ashoka was the son of king Bindusar and Subhadrangi. So, he went to Kalinga and stayed there incognito for many years. He also had to march his army of thousands across difficult terrain. He was a fearsome hunter, and according to a legend, killed a lion with just a wooden rod. The Mauryan Empire is estimated to be the largest empire (in terms of land area) in the history of the Indian subcontinent. 10. The Joker is also known as clown in some countries. This video is an easy description of Ashoka, the emperor who gave up war | Class 6 | Ashoka's Dhamma | Major Rock Edict | Kalinga War:1. His reign between 273 BC and 232 B.C. 7. After this devastation, Ashoka was left speechless. Popularly known as ‘Devanampriya Priyadarsi’ (He who is the beloved of the Gods and who regards everyone amiably), he reigned over most of India, South Asia and beyond. On his orders, the whole of province was plundered, cities were destroyed and thousands of people were killed.Â. Wikipedia. He promoted the concept of vegetarianism. However, Ashoka’s general and his forces were completely routed. The emblem of the Republic of India has been adapted from the Lion Capital of Ashoka. The grandson of the founder of the Maurya Dynasty, Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia. However, the conquest of Kalinga turned the wheel of fortune for him. Maurya Emperor Ashoka . The eldest of them, Prince Sushim, persuaded Bindusara to send Ashoka to Takshashila to quell an uprising. Sample Directive Letters | Format, Examples and How To Write Directive Letters? 10 lines / sentences on Joker for class 1 & 2 in English: The word Joker is derived from the word joke. These provincial heads were altered from time to time to prevent any one of them exerting power over a long period of time. A grandson of the dynasty's founder Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka promoted the spread of Buddhism across ancient Asia. At the same time, each and every person was given the rights to freedom, tolerance, and equality.Â, The third council of Buddhism was held under the patronage of Emperor Ashoka. This involved getting food and water for his men and elephants. The whole of Kalinga was plundered and destroyed. The Minor Rock Edicts are said to have been made thereafter, around the … Ashoka and his glorious rule is associated with one of the most prosperous time in the history of India and as a tribute to his non-partisan philosophies, the Dharma Chakra adorning the Ashok stambh has been made a part of the Indian National Flag. All of them were his half brothers from the marriage of … The excuse given was to subdue a revolt by the citizens of Takshashila. Privacy Policy. At its height, the Mauryan Empire occupied not only most of present day India, but also Bhutan, Nepal, and Bangladesh in the east, as well as Pakistan, Afghanistan, and parts of Iran in the west. • Ashoka Bundusara Maurya was born to Mauryan emperor Bindusara and his queen "Dharma" (the queen was not royal blood) •Bon as Devanampriya Priyadarshi Samrat Ashoka, in 304 BC, in Pataliputra (close to modern-day Patna), to the second emperor of the Mauryan Dynasty, Bindusara, and Maharani Dharma. From that point, Ashoka, who had been described as ‘the cruel Ashoka’ (Chandashoka) started to be described as ‘the pious Ashoka’ (Dharmashoka). Other than rest houses, he also built hospitals, gardens and plantations of herbs. Following Bindusara’s death in 272 B.C., Ashoka attacked Pataliputra, defeated and killed all his brothers, including Sushima. The stupas of Sanchi are world famous and the stupa named Sanchi Stupa I was built by Emperor Ashoka. While he was walking through the battlefields of Kalinga after his conquest, he saw thousands of dead bodies lying there and the wailing of people. His kingdom was divided into Pradesha or provinces which were subdivided into Vishyas or subdivisions and Janapadas, which were further subdivided into villages.The five chief provinces under Ashoka’s reign were the Uttarapatha(Northern Province) with its capital at Taxila; Avantiratha (western province) with its headquarters at Ujjain; Prachyapatha (eastern province) with its centre at Toshali and the Dakshinapatha (southern province) with its capital as Suvarnagiri. Quickly grew into an excellent warrior general and a pacifist conquest of Kalinga turned wheel... Fulfilling Buddha ’ s wish of alleviation of people were killed. is for Classes 1 2. Heartless Ashoka much suffering amongst his own people born to Mauryan king Bindusara as his successor to the battlefield academics. 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