‘Amr ibn al-‘As (Arabic: عمرو بن العاص; Mecca, c. 585 – Egypt (land), January 6, 664) was an Arab commander, who owes his reputation to his conquest of the Egyptian Empire in 640. In 641, before he and his army attacked their capital city of Alexandria (at the northwestern part of the Nile river delta), Amr had set up his tent on the eastern side of the Nile, at the southern part of the delta. [137][138][139] The estates in Medina that Amr's descendants inherited from him were confiscated by the Abbasids after they took over the Caliphate from the Umayyads in 750. [88] The Caliph and Amr engaged in a number of heated public exchanges and, according to a report in the Islamic traditional sources, Amr incited Muhammad's senior companions Ali, al-Zubayr and Talha ibn Ubayd Allah, as well as the Hajj pilgrims in Mecca, against Uthman. [56] Toward the end of the year, Amr launched a second cavalry assault targeting Tripoli. [42] The latter dispatched al-Zubayr ibn al-Awwam, a leading Qurayshite companion of Muhammad, with a 4,000-strong force, which joined Amr's camp in June 640. [54] According to the historian Vassilios Christides, Amr "cautiously counterbalanced the superiority in numbers and equipment of the Byzantine army by applying skillful military tactics" and despite the lack of "definite, prepared, long-term plans ... the Arab army moved with great flexibility as the occasion arose". [5][6] She had been taken captive and sold, in succession, to several members of the Quraysh, one of whom was Amr's father. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [45][47], In late 641, Amr besieged Alexandria. [21] After the negotiations broke down, Amr's men bested the Byzantines at the Battle of Dathin on 4 February 634 and set up headquarters at Ghamr al-Arabat in the middle of the Wadi Araba. "[133] In the words of Kennedy, "Of his [Amr's] competence as a military commander and politician there can be no doubt—the results speak for themselves—but he also has a reputation for straight dealing and justice. [56] Due to his lack of siege engines, he employed the lengthy siege tactic used in the Egyptian conquest. Amr launched the conquest of Egypt on his own initiative in late 639, defeating the Byzantines in a string of victories ending with the surrender of Alexandria in 641 or 642. [33] By August–September 635, Damascus surrendered to the Muslims. [2] His father, al-As ibn Wa'il, was a wealthy landowner from the Banu Sahm clan of the Quraysh tribe of Mecca. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This article was most recently revised and updated by, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Amr-ibn-al-As. [49] Taking advantage of the uncertain political situation in the wake of Umar's death in 644 and the meager Arab military presence in Alexandria, Emperor Constans II (r. 641–668) dispatched a naval expedition led by a certain Manuel which occupied the city and killed most of its Arab garrison in 645. He was determinedly hostile to Islam. And now they could safely return there. Then he was appointed governor by the Caliph. To install the listed sites as a screensaver press F5. Mosque of Amr Ibn al-As is also known as the Mosque of Amr in Cairo, it is the first ever mosque built in Egypt and the African Continent. He founded a new city just north of the Roman fort of Babylon called Fustat. In the ensuing First Muslim Civil War, Amr joined Mu'awiya ibn Abi Sufyan, against Caliph Ali (r. 656–661) due to promises of the governorship of Egypt and its taxes. [116], As the Iraqis gained the battlefield advantage, Amr proposed to Mu'awiya that their men tie leaves from the Qur'an at the tips of their lances in an appeal to Ali's men to settle the conflict peacefully. [32] The Muslims proceeded to besiege Damascus, where the remnants of the Byzantine army from the battles of Ajnadayn and Fahl had gathered. The actual invasion began towards the end of 630, as Amr crossed the with 3,500-4,000 men. [6], There are conflicting reports about when Amr embraced Islam, with the most credible version placing it in 629/630, not long before the conquest of Mecca by Muhammad. He belonged to an influential family of Quraysh and before the adoption of Islam was an ardent persecutor of Muslims. [133] In a testament to the personal wealth that he accrued, at the time of his death he left seventy sacks of gold dinars. [58][59][60][b] Instead, following Alexandria's surrender, in 641 or 642,[62] Amr made his encampment near Babylon the permanent garrison town (miṣr) of Fustat, the first town founded by the Arabs in Egypt. [4] Amr's mother was al-Nabigha bint Harmala from the Banu Jallan clan of the Anaza tribe. [80] In July/August 658, his forces defeated Ali's troops at the Battle of al-Musannah between Heliopolis (Ain Shams) and Fustat. [140] The estates were restored to Amr's family after the intercession of his great-granddaughter Abida al-Hasna bint Shu'ayb ibn Abd Allah, who married the Abbasid prince al-Husayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Ubayd Allah ibn Abbas (d. She had been taken captive and sold, in succession, to several members of the Quraysh, one of whom was Amr's father. ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ, (died 663, Al-Fusṭāṭ, Egypt), the Arab conqueror of Egypt. [84] Amr and Ibn Abi Sarh lodged complaints to Uthman each alleging the other of incompetence, prompting Uthman to dismiss Amr entirely and replace him in his duties with Ibn Abi Sarh. Corrections? He besieged and captured Alexandria in the summer of 646; most of the Byzantines, including Manuel, were slain, many of its inhabitants were killed and the city was burned until Amr ordered an end to the onslaught. This was followed by westward advances by Amr as far as Tripoli in present-day Libya. After the surrender of Alexandria in 642, Amr marched his army westward, bypassing the fortified Byzantine coastal strongholds of Paraetonium (Marsa Matruh), Appolonia Sozusa (Marsa Soussa) and Ptolemais (Tolmeita), capturing Barca and reaching Torca in Cyrenaica. Amr was the Arab general who conquest Egypt to fight against the Romans and he was hailed by the Copts as a liberator. [77] According to the historian Martin Hinds, there is "no evidence" that Amr "did anything to streamline the cumbersome fiscal system taken over from the Byzantines; rather, the upheavals of conquest can only have made the system more open to abuse than ever". ومن كتاب له (عليه السلام) إلى عمروبن العاص. [59] The allotments were distributed among the components of Amr's army, with priority given to the Quraysh, the Ansar and Amr's personal guard, the 'Ahl al-Rāya' (People of the Banner),[59] which included several Bali tribesmen as a result of their kinship and marital ties to Amr. [121] At the last meeting in Adhruh, the office of the caliphate was discussed, but the meeting ended in violence and without agreement; during the brawl, Amr was physically assaulted by a Kufan partisan of Ali, but the latter was fended off by one of Amr's sons. Amr "regulated the government of the country [Egypt], administration of justice and the imposition of taxes", according to the historian A. J. Following the death of al-As in c. 622, Amr inherited from him the lucrative al-Waht estate and vineyards near Ta'if. The Mosque of Amr was located directly on the Nile when it was built, but the course … [112] After Ali protested, Amr advised Mu'awiya to accept their request as preventing access to water might rally the hitherto demotivated Iraqis to a determined fight against the Syrians. Amr and Mu'awiya did not advance further than this point and Ibn Abi Hudhayfa was executed. [citation needed] Before the conquest of … Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. [67] The city was organized into allotments over an area stretching 5–6 kilometers (3.1–3.7 mi) along the Nile and 1–2 kilometers (0.62–1.24 mi) inland to the east. [133] The major source of information about the Muslim conquest of Egypt and the province's early Arab military generations, Ibn Abd al-Hakam (d. 871),[134] commends Amr for his leadership of the Egyptian conquest and as the upholder of the interests of Egypt's troops and their families against the central authorities in Medina and later Damascus. [120] At Dumat al-Jandal, Amr succeeded in gaining Abu Musa's recognition that Uthman was wrongfully killed, a verdict opposed by Ali and which strengthened Syrian support for Mu'awiya, who had taken up the cause of revenge for the death of his kinsman Uthman. [110] Amr met with Ali once and the two exchanged insults, but Ali ultimately agreed to Amr's condition that he omit his caliphal title, amīr al-muʾminīn (commander of the faithful), from the preliminary arbitration document drafted on 2 August. Letter 39: To 'Amr ibn al-'As. Amr ibn al-As used … Amr ibn al-As, one of Mu'awiyah's companions, wanted to become the governor of Egypt. [111], When Ali's army set up camp around Siffin, south of the Euphrates town of Raqqa, in early June, Mu'awiya's advance guard led by Abu'l-A'war refused them access to the watering places under their control. [2][8] According to this account, he converted alongside the Qurayshites Khalid ibn al-Walid and Uthman ibn Talha. [82] At a certain point, the Caliph separated Upper Egypt from Amr's administration and appointed Abd Allah ibn Abi Sarh over the region. [85] This led to the consternation of the Arab garrisons and the native officials and elite, all of whom were "deprived of the opportunities for self-enrichment which they had hitherto enjoyed", according to Hinds. He was a part of Hilf al-Fudul[1]. [52] Afterward, Muslim rule in Alexandria was gradually solidified. Abu Musa retired to Mecca, while Amr and the Syrians returned to Mu'awiya and recognized him as amīr al-muʾminīn before formally pledging allegiance to him in April/May 658. [37][38] Amr was one of the witnesses of the Treaty of Umar. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. [79] The patriarch maintained close ties with Amr and restored the monasteries of Wadi el-Natrun, including the Saint Macarius Monastery, which functions until the present-day. It would spread rapidly as a religious and political force particularly in … Use the scroll wheel to zoom at the details. [105] Amr was one of a number of figures held culpable for Uthman's death by the slain caliph's clan, the Banu Umayya (Umayyads), most prominently by Uthman's uterine brother and Amr's former brother-in-law al-Walid ibn Uqba. Abdullah Ibn Amr Ibn Al As RA was born when his father Amr Ibn Al As RA was just 12 years old. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... …his representative, while Muʿāwiyah sent. [13] Amr further consecrated ties with the tribe by marrying a Bali woman, with whom he had his son Muhammad. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. In fact he was the Quraysh’s envoy to … [12] [13] This canal was reportedly linked to the River Nile at Old Cairo [13] and ended near modern Suez . [78] Ibn Abi Sarh reduced the fiscal privileges of Egypt's original Arab military settlers, who had been shown favor by Amr, and secured the remittance of the surplus to Medina. [7] As such, Amr had two maternal half-brothers, Amr ibn Atatha of the Banu Adi and Uqba ibn Nafi of the Banu Fihr, and a half-sister from the Banu Abd Shams. [127] Ibn Hudayj pursued and captured Ibn Abi Bakr and had him executed over the objections of Amr, who had been lobbied by Ibn Abi Bakr's brother Abd al-Rahman to spare his life. [74], As per the 641 treaty with Cyrus, Amr imposed a poll tax of two gold dinars on non-Muslim adult males. [15] An opposing theory holds that Amr did not assign the plots; rather, the tribes staked their own claims and Amr established a commission to resolve the ensuing land disputes. Cyrenaica was conquered by Muslim Arabs under command of Amr ibn al-As during the tenure of the second caliph, Omar, in c. 642, and became known as Barqah after its provincial capital, the ancient city of Barce. The son of a wealthy Qurayshite, Amr embraced Islam in c. 629 and was assigned important roles in the nascent Muslim community by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Commander Amr ibn al-Aas built the mosque on the eastern bank of the Nile, about 100 meters south of Babylon Fortress. [1] Abd Allah succeeded his father as governor for a few weeks until Mu'awiya replaced him with his own brother Utba. The son of a wealthy Qurayshite, Amr embraced Islam in c. 629 and was assigned important roles in the nascent Muslim community by the Islamic prophet Muhammad. [42][43] The traditional Muslim sources generally hold that Amr undertook the campaign with Caliph Umar's reluctant approval, though a number of accounts hold that he entered the province without Umar's authorization. [42] He captured the strategic Mediterranean port city of Pelusium (al-Farama) following a month-long siege and moved against Bilbeis, which also fell after a month-long siege. Biography | Early life ” `Amr ibn al-`As (Arabic: عمرو بن العاص‎ ‘Amrū ibn al-‘Āṣ; c. 592 – January 6, 682) was an Arab military commander who is most noted for … [26] After being reinforced by the remainder of the Muslim armies in Syria, including the new arrivals commanded by Khalid ibn al-Walid, Amr, with overall command of the 20,000-strong Muslim forces, routed the Byzantine army at the Battle of Ajnadayn, the first major confrontation between the Muslims and Byzantium, in July–August 634. Biography of Sayyidina ‘Amr ibn al ‘As The status of Sayyidina ‘Amr ibn al ‘As. Amr ibn al-As did not proceed head-on, realizing that the Ethiopian king was supporting Muslims. Updates? [42] During the siege, Amr entered truce negotiations with the Alexandria-based Byzantine governor Cyrus; Emperor Heraclius opposed the talks and recalled Cyrus to Constantinople. [36] Following Yarmouk, the Muslims attempted to capture Jerusalem, where Amr had previously sent an advance force. `Amr ibn al-`As (Arabic language: عمرو بن العاص ‎ ‘Amrū ibn al-‘Āṣ; c. 592 – January 6, 664) was an Arab military commander who is most noted for leading the Muslim conquest of Egypt in 640. [107], After Ali's victory over the Qurayshites led by al-Zubayr, Talha and A'isha at the Battle of the Camel in Iraq, Mu'awiya, who maintained his opposition to Ali, became the focus of the Caliph's attention. [13] Amr's paternal grandmother hailed from the Bali,[14] and this may have motivated his appointment to the command by Muhammad as Amr was instructed to recruit tribesmen from the Bali and the other Quda'a tribes of Balqayn and Banu Udhra. Just drag the mouse to the direction you want to look. Mosque of Amr ibn al-As virtual tours can be started by clicking the preview window or by downloading the stand-alone versions. radiya Llahu ‘anhuhimself told the story of his coming to Islam. [85] In an anecdote cited by al-Baladhuri, Amr is quoted taking partial credit for Uthman's killing. [14] As a Qurayshite merchant Amr was likely already well-acquainted with the routes to Gaza, a principle terminal for Meccan caravans. In pre- and early Islamic times", "Egypt under Muʿāwiya Part I: Flavius Papas and Upper Egypt", "Egypt under Muʿāwiya Part II: Middle Egypt, Fusṭāṭ and Alexandria", "Egypt as a Province in the Islamic Caliphate, 641–868", "A Note on Early Marriage Links between Qurashīs and Jewish Women", "Amr ibn al-As and His Conquest of Egypt", "Filasṭīn — I. Palestine under Islamic Rule", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Amr_ibn_al-As&oldid=1016529963, People of the Muslim conquest of the Levant, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Rayta or Hind bint Munabbih ibn al-Hajjaj, This page was last edited on 7 April 2021, at 17:27. [79] According to the historian Hugh N. Kennedy, "Benjamin played a major role in the survival of the Coptic Church through the transition to Arab rule". Er entstammte einer wohlhabenden Kaufmannsfamilie aus Mekka, die dem quraischitischen Clan der Sahm angehörte. Instead, he spread the rumour that everyone in Mecca had allegedly converted to Islam. Amr ibn al-As al-Sahmi (Arabic: عمرو بن العاص‎ Unlink Arabic. [104] Ali succeeded Uthman, but did not reappoint Amr to his post in Egypt. It was the swiftest of the early Muslim conquests. ʿAmr ibn al-ʿĀṣ, (died 663, Al-Fusṭāṭ, Egypt), the Arab conqueror of Egypt. Amongst the senior Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Sayyidina ‘Amr ibn al ‘As radiya Llahu ‘anhu is a significant personality. He was named after his grandfather but his name was changed by the Prophet ﷺ due to its negative connotations and the Prophet ﷺ named him Abdullah saying: ‘The most beloved of names to Allah is Abdullah and Abdur Rahman.’ Uqba was the nephew of Amr ibn al-As. [42], Amr halted his campaign before the fortified Byzantine stronghold of Babylon, at the head of the Nile Delta, and requested reinforcements from Umar. [123], As early as 656/57, Amr and Mu'awiya persuaded Ibn Abi Hudhayfa, who had seized control of Egypt after Uthman's assassination, to meet them in al-Arish, where they took him captive in a ruse. A wealthy member of the Banū Sahm clan of the important tribe of Quraysh, ʿAmr accepted Islām in 629–630. [39] From Jerusalem,[40] Amr proceeded to besiege and capture the city of Gaza. Mu'awiya kept him in his post after establishing the Umayyad Caliphate in 661 and Amr ruled the province until his death. [122] As a result, Amr was among those invoked in a ritual curse issued by Ali during the morning prayers and became the subject of derision among the Kufan core of Ali's supporters. The sums, which he later donated for government use mud brick and baked brick dwellings 31 Afterward. His father as governor for a few weeks until Mu'awiya replaced him with his own dwelling built east... Bakr to conquer Syria in 633 cavalry-dominated army moved through Egypt 's deserts oases... Intervention by Mu'awiya 18 ], in late 641, Amr inherited from him the lucrative estate! Within the city 's leaders was having an idol to himself in post! ] Due to his estate in southern Palestine ( residing in the history of Egypt ibn! La costa egipcia with relative ease the nearly contemporary Coptic historian John of Nikiu ( fl Babylon, Amr himself. 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