Harmful algal blooms (HAB) toxins cause sickness and death in humans and Steller sea lions. The groundfish fisheries off Alaska target several Steller sea lion prey species, which can negatively impact Steller sea lions and their critical habitat. Population status and trends are reported in our stock assessment reports. ... Sea Lion Care. Some of the most pressing threats are discussed below. Feeding-related problems include changes in sea lion behavior; habituation; aggression toward humans; negative impacts to fisheries; and entanglement, injury, and death of animals. Their population has decreased, approximately 77 to 81 percent from the 1970s to the early 2000s, The North Pacific Ocean marine heatwave of 2014 - 2016 was associated with a decline of pup productivity. Feeding of sea lions is illegal and can lead to close interactions between humans and sea lions that pose risks to both. Changes in fishing techniques and areas and times fished are thought to have significantly reduced incidental take. Contaminants that might harm Steller sea lions can occur naturally in the environment and enter ocean waters from many sources, such as oil and gas activity (tankering and pipeline transport, production, etc. While they are the only living member of their genus, they share parts of their range with a smaller related species, California sea lions. Steller sea lions can become entangled in marine debris or fishing gear, either swimming off with the gear attached or becoming anchored. This may be due to the sexual dimorphism common to otariids. Culling and commercial harvests in Alaska (prior to  the Marine Mammal Protection Act), competition with fisheries for prey, incidental take in fisheries, entanglement, legal and illegal shooting, and possibly other factors also adversely affected Steller sea lions. The two populations of Steller sea lions differ genetically and morphologically, and have contrasting population trends. These plans were developed with the assistance of recovery teams. [14] Some haul-out sites, known as rookeries, are commonly used for reproduction while other haul-out sites are used for other purposes like molting. All of these may affect Steller sea lions’ ability to reliably access sufficient prey to sustain the health, reproduction, and survival of individuals and support sustained increase and eventual recovery of the population. The Plan identifies major action categories related to the western DPS, aimed at achieving four broad goals: While the Plan identifies many specific recovery actions for the western DPS, it highlights four actions as especially important: For the eastern DPS, the Plan recommended that NOAA Fisheries conduct a status review to determine if the DPS should be delisted. Females and males both grow rapidly until the fifth year, after which female growth slows considerably. They mate and give birth on land, at traditional sites called rookeries. Harmful algal blooms (HAB) toxins cause sickness and death in humans and Steller sea lions. During the breeding season, a female must forage close enough to her rookery to return often and nurse her young, and her foraging range and trip duration will expand greatly as the pup grows. The Steller (or northern) sea lion is the largest member of the family Otariidae, the “eared seals,” which includes all sea lions and fur seals. While the Russian government currently has no organized program of monitoring and research, NOAA Fisheries has supported monitoring of population trends in Russia. Culling and commercial harvests in Alaska (prior to  the Marine Mammal Protection Act), competition with fisheries for prey, incidental take in fisheries, entanglement, legal and illegal shooting, and possibly other factors also adversely affected Steller sea lions. Conducting studies of seasonal movements. Working with our many partners, NOAA Fisheries scientists use this information to identify actions to remove or reduce threats. [1], Reproductively mature male sea lions gather together mid-spring on traditional, well-defined reproductive rookeries, usually on beaches on isolated islands. Incidental Take Due to Interactions with Active Fishing Gear, Historically, commercial fishing in the Bering Sea and the North Pacific Ocean killed many Steller sea lions incidentally. The western DPS includes Steller sea lions that originate from rookeries west of 144° west longitude (Cape Suckling): those in the Gulf of Alaska, the Aleutian Islands, the Bering Sea, and Asia. Climate change, Learn more in the  “Take the lead, do not feed” 45-second video. when it was established, due to lack of recovery; it remains listed as endangered today. However, they may not pup every year. Predation, [13] Like all otariids, Steller sea lions are amphibious and spend some time in water and some on land. The western DPS remains endangered. Certain pollutants that Steller sea lions are exposed to have been shown to damage the immune and reproductive systems of other mammals and to negatively impact their health and survival. Those areas may be designated as critical habitat through a rulemaking process. Female northern fur seal. The primary predators of Steller sea lions are, that could potentially harm Steller sea lions, to determine if current protections need to be modified, Designating and reviewing Steller sea lion, Working with the fishing industry to reduce or eliminate injury and mortality caused by fisheries and fishing gear, Continuing a ban on direct takes (unless it is non-wasteful take by coastal Alaska natives for subsistence or the making of handicrafts, or authorized). Steller's sea eagle is the largest bird in the genus Haliaeetus and is one of the largest raptors overall. Most parts of the range of the western DPS are not systematically monitored for carcasses, so there are no current studies on evaluating levels of illegal shooting; large parts of the fishing industry, including fisheries near Steller sea lion rookeries, haulouts, and feeding areas, have either no or very limited observer coverage. Credit: NOAA Fisheries. While the western DPS has been increasing slowly overall since 2003, there are strong regional differences across the range in Alaska and the population continues to decline in the central and western Aleutian Islands. Incidents of mothers feeding daughters that are simultaneously feeding their own newborn pups have been documented, which is an extremely rare occurrence among mammals. The, western DPS’s ESA listing status was elevated to endangered. [1], Historically, the sea lion has had only very slight commercial value. Most parts of the range of the western DPS are not systematically monitored for carcasses, so there are no current studies on evaluating levels of illegal shooting; large parts of the fishing industry, including fisheries near Steller sea lion rookeries, haulouts, and feeding areas, have either no or very limited observer coverage. Adult males are further distinguished by long, coarse hair on the chest, shoulders, and back. The animals are also provided with varied enrichment, including toys, … to grow thicker and faster, and algal blooms absorb sunlight, making water even warmer and promoting more blooms. By 2013, it demonstrated 30 years of recovery leading, While the western population has been increasing slowly overall since about 2003, it continues to decline rapidly in large areas of its range (central and western Aleutian Islands regions), recent changes in counts in other areas that were showing signs of recovery (eastern and central Gulf of Alaska regions) are of high concern, and evidence as a whole indicates that there are multiple remaining, Intentional killing, such as predator control and commercial harvests in large areas of the range of the eastern population, resulted in major reductions in abundance through much of the 1900s. Since the Steller sea lions are themselves protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act,[1] managers are compelled to use nonlethal deterrence methods, such as rubber bullets and noisemakers. Steller sea lions in Southeast Alaska. This maternal attendance pattern is common in otariids. It is especially important in rebuilding the endangered western DPS and sustaining the recovery of the delisted eastern DPS. Steller sea lions are also vulnerable to disturbance by air and they have been observed to stampede in response to helicopters more than a mile away. Steller sea lions can be injured or killed if they are disturbed when they are hauled out. [22][23] Though Steller sea lion males are generally tolerant of pups, one male filmed on Medny Island in Russia was documented killing and eating several pups in a first-ever recorded incident of cannibalism. Under the Marine Mammal Protection Act, an unusual mortality event (UME) is defined as "a stranding that is unexpected; involves a significant die-off of any marine mammal population; and demands immediate response." A subsistence harvest on the order of 300 animals or less continues to this day in some native communities in Alaska. Haulout and rookery sites usually consist of beaches (gravel, rocky, or sand), ledges, and rocky reefs. Learn more about fishery protection measures. Entanglement, They usually aggregate in groups of up to twelve in areas of prey abundance. Some strandings can serve as indicators of ocean health, giving insight into larger environmental issues that may also have implications for human health and welfare. NOAA Fisheries has a responsibility under the ESA to take action to conserve Steller sea lions—that is, to use all methods and procedures that are necessary to bring the endangered western DPS to the point at which ESA protections are no longer necessary, and to sustain the eastern DPS’s recovery. As a minimum protective measure put in place at the time of listing, NOAA Fisheries implemented no-entry buffer zones around many of the rookeries in parts of the range now recognized as breeding habitat for the western DPS. Evaluating habitat use and habitat quality. After, Determining the status of Steller sea lion populations—and whether a stock is increasing or decreasing over time—helps resource managers assess the success of enacted conservation measures. For example, females from the eastern Gulf of Alaska regularly occur in parts of southeast Alaska and males from the eastern DPS have been observed as far north as the Bering Sea. Both sexes have long light-colored whiskers (vibrissae) on their muzzles, which they use to sense prey and feel their way underwater. View critical habitat maps for Steller sea lions: In December 2017, NOAA Fisheries initiated a 5-year status review of the endangered western DPS of Steller sea lion under the ESA. NOAA Fisheries works with a variety of scientists and veterinarians to monitor disease in, Historical accounts document substantial mortality within the western DPS due to illegal shooting, especially associated with fisheries. The western distinct population segment (DPS) is listed as endangered under the ESA and, therefore, also designated as depleted under the MMPA. Diet Salmon sharks feed on sea otters, birds, salmon, squid, sablefish, herring, walleye pollock, and a variety of other fish Predators Other sharks, humans Reproduction Mating occurs in late summer to autumn. If they are rafting, do not approach. In recent years, a “mixing zone” has also become established in northern southeast Alaska on at least two new rookeries partially established by western DPS females. For example, in the 19th century their whiskers sold for a penny apiece for use as tobacco-pipe cleaners. Steller sea lions, especially males, can travel long distances in a season. Steller sea lions are protected in Canada, where they are categorized as a Species of Special Concern, and in Russia, where they are listed as an endangered species under Russian legislation. Their response is often highly unpredictable. ... Eumetopias jubatus (northern sea lion or Stellar sea lion) Neophoca cinerea (Australian sea lion) Historical accounts document substantial mortality within the western DPS due to illegal shooting, especially associated with fisheries. The current level of disturbance of sea lions at rookeries and haulouts is not known, and more information is needed about potential effects of repeated disturbance on the health, reproduction, and survival of Steller sea lions. Sonogram readings reported that Steller Sea Lions make discrete, low frequency pulses underwater that resemble the male "belching" territoral noise made in air. 359–395 in R. J. Harrison, R. C. Hubbard, R. S. Peterson, C. E. Rice, and R. J. Schusterman (eds.). You may also contact your closest NOAA Office of Law Enforcement field during regular business hours. As a consequence, in 1997 the western stock of Steller sea lions was listed as endangered and the eastern stock was listed as threatened under the United States Endangered Species Act. Steller sea lions' impressive low-frequency vocalizations sound more like roars than California sea lions’ barks. Steller sea lions are exposed to a variety of diseases and parasites. [5][6][7] Males are further distinguished from females by broader and higher foreheads, flatter snouts, and a thick mane of coarse hair[8] around their large necks. Among pinnipeds, it is inferior in size only to the walrus and the two species of elephant seals. This hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for anyone in the United States. Shark species are also possible predators: sleepers and great whites may prey on juvenile sea lions. In addition, they can be injured or killed by illegal shootings and fishery deterrent methods like seal bombs and gunshots used to scare them away from fishing nets. The age at weaning is highly variable; pups may remain with their mothers for as long as four years. Foreign, Obey Steller Sea Lion–Specific Regulations, The Department of Commerce, as part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on proposed and/or continuing information collections, as…, NOAA Fisheries, in an effort to increase preparedness for wildlife response under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, has drafted guidelines for marine mammal response in disaster situations in Cook Inlet and Kodiak, Alaska entitled "Cook Inlet and Kodiak…, We, NOAA Fisheries, announce our intent to conduct a 5-year review for the endangered western distinct population segment (DPS) of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). On land, at traditional sites called rookeries, disappear under their numbers which. Fisheries published the first recovery plan for both DPSs, specifically at the time of listing, Fisheries! 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[ 48 ], Steller sea lions spend on land Record a History of foraging, Motherhood, and.! Winter under the ESA, NOAA Fisheries works with a variety of diseases and parasites s health general forebody.. Are amphibious and spend some time in water and some on land designated critical habitat a! 11 feet long and weigh up to 800 pounds traditional sites on some with. Largest of the U.S., please use a modern browser such as Chrome,,! A federal marine resource violation Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, and cougars we work volunteer... Are black and provide outreach about Steller sea lion’s western steller sea lion diet population.!, by aircraft, and ecology of the Steller sea lions inhabit colder... Working with the public to reduce threats and provide outreach about steller sea lion diet sea lion breeding is one of 's. Dead marine Mammal health and Stranding Response program Cruz found that on male... 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