5 out of 5 stars (1,424) $ 14.95 FREE shipping Add to Favorites Peach Blossom Rat 8x12 year of the rat art print theGorgonist. For this encounter, the party can remain in the same initiative order from the combat with Ledros, or everyone can roll for initiative again. If an upgrade has a prerequisite, you must meet that prerequisite in order to benefit from the upgrade. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking 24 (6d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Black Mist swarms one corner of the warehouses. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Should one or all the characters help Tala, either by knocking Daine and his friends out or by pulling her away from the brawl, the captain reluctantly thanks the characters for their assistance. If this check succeeds by 5 or more, find a set of dead man’s plate instead. The abyssal eye uses its eye to create an aura of fear. Inside, acolytes pace the flame-lit halls and fill offering bowls with various fruits for Nagakabouros. Starting at 9th level you can spend up to two dice from the pool at once. Located Northwest of the Serpent Isles, is the evergrowing empire of Noxus. Traders willing to deal in stolen wealth, and entrepreneurs ready to cater to these crews set up shop amidst the ruins of the cove. Reaching Bilgewater is no easy feat. If confronted by a Wharf Rat, make yourself appear large. Located near the Slaughter Docks Bilgewater’s White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. On a failed save a creature takes 3d6 force damage and is knocked prone. Prerequisite: Sniper FormYou alter your ammunition to have explosive capabilities. Me.” The words were wet, squeezed up through a throat clogged with blood. Choose a creature you can see within 30 feet of you. Slam. The attack gains a random effect based on the number rolled, as detailed in the Wild Card Suit table below. The sockets where their eyes should be flash a ghostly, hungering blue. And why were they brought to Bilgewater in the first place? No adventure is complete without magical treasure. The Battle of Port Mourn. After you cast a spell in this way, you can’t use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest. Wharf rats can smell fresh blood from vast distances, and quickly swarm on any injured creature they detect. Starting at 7th level, you learn to exploit a foe’s weak spots, even if they appear to have none. Over the past few nights, many residents of Bilgewater have claimed to spy the glowing blue forms of ghosts rising from the floating graveyards scattered along the edges of the bay. Melee or Ranged Weapon +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. The Wharf Rats are a sub-group of Deadheads who are drug and alcohol free. Because of this, the highest levels of the city, known as the Eyries, are home to the wealthiest taverns, theaters, and dice houses in the city. You deal extra damage while using this form when you reach higher levels, dealing damage equal to 2d10 + your Dexterity modifier at 5th level, 4d10 at 11th level, and 6d10 at 20th level. Particularly well-funded renegades may even have personalized Hextech weapons, but such folk are rare among the scoundrels of Bilgewater. The party has attracted the attention of a pair of pool sharks. Gambler’s Luck. The attack roll for this feature uses your Dexterity modifier, and on a hit, it deals slashing damage equal 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier. West Bay is the main entrance to the largest settlement of Bilgewater, Rat Town. A renegade, above all else, is a fighter of sly charm and swagger. Flash Powder (Recharge 4–6). Sailors intrepid enough to venture out there are free to decide their own fate and fortune. Use the following tables to determine who or what the characters might encounter on the way to and from Bilgewater. X - 37 years. A character who searches the corpse finds no money, but the merchant wears a banshee’s veil around his neck. Once combat has ceased, the characters hear Daine’s voice booming over the hubbub. This popularity has shaped the ironback people into a culture of mercenaries, with most young being trained from birth to serve as soldiers for hire. Its front windows overlook the churning waters of Bilgewater Bay, and at its heart sits a large courtyard shaped like the fanged mouth of a leviathan. the weapon, keeping it within reach at all times.                                        benefit from it. Those will help your DM create a story that positions you and your friends’ characters as the story’s heroes, not just glorified errand-runners for high-level NPCs. Improvised Weapon. Massive sea monsters are a constant threat in the waters around Bilgewater and over the centuries, a trade industry has grown out of hunting and harvesting them. At 18th level, you learn to channel the volatile force of your firearm’s black powder into a single concussive blast. Some have claimed to have seen the Conqueror riding the Black Mist in subsequent Harrowings. Make a ranged attack roll against the target. Or just hope you properly notarized your Last Will and Testament. A number of shadows patrol the streets, snuffing out any remaining life in the area. This reduction lasts until the creature finishes a long rest. When Commander Ledros is reduced to 0 hit points, he lets out a piercing death rattle that shakes the very bowels of the ship: An aching groan echoes from the ship’s hull. They approached the people of Bilgewater and held council with those most influential in the settlement. While most of the common D&D races don’t perfectly fit these varied peoples, you can use these races as a starting point. While Gangplank managed to survive the attempt, his ship, and his most faithful followers were destroyed, forcing him to disappear from public view. If a character exploring the wreck of the Telemachus makes a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check, the character finds a Bilgewater cutlass among the abandoned cargo. Dungeon Masters can use these monsters and NPCs in conjunction with the monsters found in the free D&D Basic Rules to put their players in grave, nautical peril! They delight in eating gunpowder by the handfuls to fuel explosive reactions in their elemental bowels. Most of the magical beings of Runeterra vary widely in form, so you can use the game statistics of any of these races to create any sort of character you want, with any appearance—as long as your Dungeon Master says it’s okay in their campaign. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. If the party refuses, the pool sharks attack. Do not use this sound most times. Those lucky enough to have some extra coin often make the long journey to these upper levels and relish in the fine drinks and luxurious company the Eyries’ provide—though it’s just as common for a sailor with too greedy an eye to lose their savings at one of the Eyries’ high-stakes card tables, and be back at the Slaughter Docks the next morning. They tend to be the size of a house, although some are said to grow even bigger, and can sometimes attack smaller ships. Copyeditor:Riftdrifter79. Defend Bilgewater from the Harrowing as a mighty specter of the Shadow Isles attempts to shroud all of Bilgewater Bay in the deadly Black Mist. A bilge is the lowest compartment on a ship, below the waterline. Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or paraphrased for the players when their characters first arrive at a location or under a specific circumstance, as described in the text. Melee Spell Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Sea Bullies. At their core, powder monkeys smolder with a spark of elemental fire. You gain a pool of d6s equal to the number of d6s you roll for your Sneak Attack damage. A successful DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check convinces the crew that the characters aren’t spies, but the crew still requests they come aboard the Dreadway nonetheless. The Land and coastal areas house an large assortment of astounding creatures, such as: [[Wharf Rats|Wharf Rats]] and [[|]]. “S” is replaced by C. The S sound does not exist. When the characters board the Phantom’s Ire, proceed to “Confronting the Commander.”. The location remains uninhabited to this day. One hand, made entirely of iron and gears, rests against the helm of the ship. After considering the bones, she tells them her prediction. As the saying goes—there’s never a dull day in Bilgewater. At the end of each of its turns, the target can repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Many fishing vessels would dock here after their journey to the seas around Bilgewater. “Ea” does not exist. How the characters know each other is up for the group to decide: they could be a group of mercenaries, a scrappy pirate crew looking for some spare coin, or maybe just sailing buddies relaxing on a night off. A character can identify these rambunctious creatures as lackeys of Miss Fortune with a successful DC 13 Intelligence (History) check. Many are blaming a nest of diseased giant rats that has recently settled into a nearby shipwreck, yet no one knows yet what this sickness is, where it came from, or how to cure it. Tl, Tl, Tc, t…. If asked for clarification, Daine informs the characters about the Phantom’s Ire. They possess a set of tentacles and five eyes, two pairs and one large one at the center of the forehead. A comfortable living can be made by hunting these monsters, or by working amongst the docks that process them. She greets you with a smirk and a nod of her head, and says, “I hear tell a group of fighters saved a load of people back in Rat Town. Many disregard his tale as an old sailor’s legend, but the jagged ivory sheen of his leg braces (and the festering bite marks on the tavern’s outside) suggest otherwise. Characters inspecting the other buildings of Carrack Row encounter 3 skeletons lurking among the Black Mist in the area. He has garnered the support of the Buhru in Bilgewater and grows his supporters aiming to claim his throne from Miss Fortune once again. If you’re planning on experiencing the adventure as a player, stop reading now! Multiattack. Bilgewater’s White Wharf had earned its name thanks to the layer of bird waste covering it from end to end, which was only to be expected at a resting place for the dead. At least since the Corsair King had fallen. Weapon (longsword), rare (requires attunement) Incorporeal Movement. Hecarim marshals a spectral host and lays waste to the port of Grey Harbor. The Telemachus sits breached onto one of the auxiliary piers. As a bonus action, you can use this appendage to strike at one creature of your choice that you can see within 15 feet. From their vantage point overlooking Bilgewater Bay, several acolytes of Nagakabouros have spotted faint pale lights dancing along the waves after sunset. Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you complete a short or long rest. When a creature targets you with an attack, you can use your reaction to spend one die from the pool and subtract the number rolled from the attack. Any characters on board the Phantom’s Ire when it begins sinking must scramble to escape the ship before it drags them into the briny depths. A trio of pool sharks have been raiding the notorious dice houses of Cardsharp Walk for the past week, though their heists have always left a considerable amount of money left in the houses’ vaults. Characters aren’t expected to fight these mighty champions, but the DM is encouraged to use these statistics to adjudicate how they might react if they were suddenly attacked by murderous adventurers, or if they decided to temporarily ally with the heroes. The evil-temper and boney fin protrusions of dragon sharks have led some to speculate they are early ancestors to dragons who never evolved to walk on land. If the characters enter the tavern, jump to the Peregrine (area 5). If the party expresses interest, Reggie promises to contact them soon with some “business” opportunities. The ironback can breathe air and water. These massive docks are equipped with cranes and towers capable of hoisting even the most colossal monsters from the water. Worse than all previous years, those who lived are left to wonder where it will return, and whether anyone will survive when it does. This weapon can appear as a kraken tentacle, a giant anchor, preternatural jaws, or something else based on your history. Rapture Rum, Sail on Ironside, sail on What nefarious cause has driven this dragon shark so far inland? This source’s adventure, “Herald of the Harrowing,” includes several of these magic items scattered throughout. Bilgewater - Universe of League of Legends, Miss Fortune: Surrender | League Animation Workshop, Into the Mists: Creating Shadow and Fortune, Building Butcher’s Bridge: the Bilgewater event, https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Bilgewater?oldid=1365388, About Leaguepedia | League of Legends Esports Wiki. If the party decides to avoid the battle, they must succeed on a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to successfully make their way out of the panicking crowd. Ghostly blue hands rise from the deep. Beginning at 6th level, you can burst into water then materialize somewhere else as an action. They are also usually hunted for either food or sport, the latter of which is just as dangerous as the former. In Bilgewater one can come across many astounding creatures brought from the dark and mysterious Guardian's Sea, such as: Dragon-Sharks, Sea Serpents, Giant Squid, Four-eyed Shark Creature and Kraken. Will to Live. The Reaping of Smuggler’s Cove. The characters may follow in a rowboat of their own (see “The Dreadway”). Hit: 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage and the target must make a successful DC 15 Strength saving throw or be thrown 20 feet in a direction of the dragon shark’s choice. One of the oldest and fiercest dock gangs in Bilgewater, the Jagged Hooks swear undying allegiance to Gangplank. Dead Man’s Plate (Costs 2 Actions). There are also more mundane creatures inhabiting the sea, coastlines and docks such as: octopi, hammerhead sharks, devilfish, clams and fish. “V” letter does not exist. He suggests that the characters go talk with her, given how well they handled themselves against the shadows back in Rat Town. If you like, you can fill in a new 10-foot by 10-foot square area anywhere on the map with Black Mist every minute, but you can speed this up or slow this down depending on how dire you wish to make the Harrowing. On a hit, the attack deals slashing damage equal to 1d6 + your Dexterity modifier. A few residents claim to have spotted the tidal trickster Fizz haunting the flophouse’s halls some nights, but none have ever produced any evidence beyond their tall tales of his presence. The presence of so many wanted criminals has given rise to a burgeoning population of bounty hunters. A wharf rat discovers an old family secret that might help him get everything he ever wanted in life - … In the power vacuum following Gangplank's supposed death, a ruling body called the Corsair's Conclave formed. She will gladly provide you room and board for a week in exchange for hunting down a debtor or ensuring one of her rivals falters on their next voyage. Butcher's Bridge, which is located upstream and above the Slaughter Docks, acts as a gate to the inner parts of the city as well as the bridge to the Temple of The Mother Serpent, one of the largest and most important structures of Bilgewater's previous native inhabitants. While her true form is unknown, the image of the kraken most often represents her in religious iconography. Before sailing into the port, onlookers can see the image of a white skull on the large rock behind the city. With Gangplank’s fall from grace, it remains unclear what role the Buhru will play in the politics of leadership. Home page of THE Wharf Rats, LIVE!, an alternative, americana, jam, songwriter group from Clarksville, MD. Growing long limbs, sharp claws, gaping mouths. Ledros unleashes a wave of shadowy mist that coalesces into a 15-foot radius circle centered on himself. Bound in service to the Harrowing, this accursed specter has claimed the salvage docks for the Shadow Isles and, along with the rest of the Shadow Isles’ undead legion, aims to ravage all of Bilgewater. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 10 (3d6) slashing damage if the target is a humanoid creature. The shadows are bound to the Black Mist, and can’t enter a space that isn’t at least partially covered by the mist (see the map). They seem very intelligent for an animal, as they can trained to pick out high-priority targets to focus fire upon. With many of the main thoroughfares into this neighborhood left ruined by the Harrowing, this winding series of alleyways serves as the primary route into the remains of the salvage docks from Bilgewater proper. Fleets leave port at sunset every night to hunt these mighty beasts. Located on an isolated rock spire in Bilgewater Bay, this wharf is the base of operations for many of the city’s scrappers, who make a living dredging wrecks from the deep and salvaging their usable parts. You regain expended power for your Wild Card’s Gambit feature: You gain resistance to all damage, and are immune to the grappled, paralyzed, stunned, and restrained conditions. A wide-eyed and naive newcomer to Bilgewater, Billy finds himself constantly beset by the city’s nasty surprises. XI - 49 years. Loud yells sound from a nearby alley. The seas around the Serpent Isles are dotted with rock formations and coral reefs that can destroy a ship before the crew realizes what they've hit. Don’t mistake their boasting for an empty facade—folk who underestimate a renegade’s flashy gunplay tend to wind up dead. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. The White Wharf is a section of Bilgewater where the dead rest in floating graveyards. One of the Buhru’s religious rites is called the ‘Test of Nagakabouros,’ in which an individual submits to vicious psychic assault from the god’s spectral tentacles. A character that makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check intuits that beneath her strong facade, Miss Fortune is deeply shaken by the events and truly concerned for the well-being of those who live in Bilgewater. The powder monkeys do not engage in combat unless provoked, and as soon as one of them is reduced to 0 hit points, the remaining powder monkeys attempt to flee and inform Miss Fortune of what they saw. Contact Sober Nation's Sponsored Hotline If you are seeking drug and alcohol related addiction rehab for yourself or a loved one, the SoberNation.com hotline is a confidential and convenient solution. The waters surrounding the docks are tinged with red and poisoned by runoff, which drives any passing sea monsters away from Bilgewater’s shores. They sometimes bury themselves into the muck of the river to avoid predators and are known to either avoid or flee from dangers. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) piercing damage. To avoid detection, the number of successes made in the group must be more than the number of failures. He takes 5 (1d10) force damage if he ends his turn inside an object. The mighty galleon Conqueror is lost to the depths, along with 30 battleships. Tala is also secretly in league with Gangplank, the former Reaver King believed to be deceased. Paddling across Bilgewater Bay, the characters see the intimidating, shark-like hull of the Dreadway rising from the mist: The shadow of a massive ship looms over you, lights like eyes glowing green in its prow. This source is your portal to Bilgewater, allowing you to tell your own tales of high adventure with your friends. Directed by Jimmy Huston. Characters who choose to spectate the brawl overhear snippets of Tala and Daine’s argument. If the party is spotted, a shout rises up from the deck: “Spies, off the starboard bow!” The crew then aims multiple cannons at the characters’ small boat and demands their surrender. While adapted, you have resistance to that damage type. The conflict between Miss Sarah Fortune and the Reaver King Gangplank is nothing short of legendary. Used as living artillery pieces, they lay down cannon fire from afar. 32 years ago during The Battle of Port Mourn, the revenant Mordekaiser lead the Harrowing on a night of slaughter. Ol' Tahm Kench's likeness marks dens of avarice throughout Bilgewater. If the attack is successful, the target is grappled (escape DC 13) and carried by the abyssal eye to its landing point. Time has rotted the wood planks, leaving splintered holes in the dock, and a hungry abyssal eye leaps over these broken sections with jaws bared. Through luck and tenacity, these refugees built a life for themselves, and news of their new settlement began to spread. They either inhabit or have been outfitted with a metallic helm with submarine periscope jutting above, the creature's eyes peek through the helm and periscope. In addition, you have disadvantage on attack rolls made with weapons other than this one. “Thought that dogs like ye could sneak up on ol’ Gangplank, eh?” he sneers. “U” can be used as vowel or as consonant for V. “L” is never alone (The “L” sound is always long. For those who prefer not to lose their money to a hand of cards, the theaters and pubs of Songbird’s Row provide ample entertainment for patrons of the Eyries. VI - 4 Years. Heart of the Deep. If the characters engaged in combat in the previous area, these checks are made with disadvantage. Sarah Fortune is a charismatic, gun-toting bounty hunter. A cluster of sailors is gathered around a large wooden crate. When the pool shark rolls a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, reroll the die and use the new roll (even if that roll is also a 1). There are also more mundane creatures inhabiting the coastlines and docks such as seagulls. You can redirect a bullet in this way a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier, and regain all expended uses after a short or long rest. Can reach with the allure of golden Krakens, Cardsharp Walk boasts overflowing tables! Suddenly—Whoosh! ” she sweeps her arm, nearly knocking over a tankard in a matter of,! 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